Latex Maths

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

什么是线性代数? (What is linear algebra?)

"80% of mathematics is linear algebra." --- Raoul Bott (当代数学家, 1923-2005)


向量 (vector),是一支由原点指出的箭头。

在 2D 空间中,它可以用两个数(座标)表示:

在 3D 中,用三个座标表示:

一般来说,在 n 度空间中的 vector 可以用 n 个数表示:
$$ \vec{x} = ( x_1, x_2, ... , x_n) $$


注意: 在现代数学上,「线性」用抽象的向量定义比较好,抽象的向量并不需要座标描述。

「向量」的抽象定义 (基本意思是说,向量是一些可以「相加」和「拉长拉短」的东西) :

「线性变换」(linear transformation)是一个 map,叫它做 $T()$,它将空间中的任意 vector 转移到另一位置,

$$ \vec{v} \mapsto \vec{v}' $$
$$ \vec{v} \mapsto T(\vec(v)) $$


A stretching and flipping two-dimensional linear transformation


什麼是對偶空間 (dual space)?

協變與逆變 (co-variant and contra-variant)

微分形式 (differential forms)

同調與上同調 (homology and co-homology)

李代數 (Lie algebra)

Sunday, May 17, 2015

What is reinforcement learning?

[This is the English version translated from Chinese.]

Reinforcement learning is a branch of machine learning that is particularly suitable for controlling an autonomous agent who interacts with an environment.  It uses sensory perception and rewards to continually modify its behavior.

When you hear reinforcement learning, it should invoke an imagery in your mind of a little critter such as this cockroach:

As for the idea of "environment", you should think of a maze such as in this classic game:

It includes some monsters chasing after you, some food that you could eat to increase your score (these represent negative and positive rewards).  Of course, in real applications the "environment" and "rewards" can be abstract;  This game is just a concrete example.

What goes in and out?

Keep in mind, the inputs to the reinforcement learning algorithm are the following:
  • States = the environment
    For example: each square in the maze is a state
  • Actions = under each state, which actions are allowed?
  • Rewards = upon visiting each new state, there is an associated positive or negative utility
And the output of the algorithm is:
  • Policy = under each state, which action would you choose?
So this 4-tuple (S, A, R, P) constitutes a reinforcement learning system.  In abstract algebra, we often use such tuples to define systems or structures.

A more concrete example is:
  1. states S = each square of the maze, which can be represented by its coordinates, eg (1,3)
  2. actions A = on each square of the maze, you can go either { up, down, left, right }
  3. rewards R = under the current state, the square of the maze may contain food (+1) or a monster (-100)
  4. policy P = a function from states $\rightarrow$ actions, ie, given any state, it returns with an action.
(S, A, R) are defined by the user, P would be automatically calculated by the algorithm.

Between humans and insects

The first question that comes to mind:  why not just use this technique to build strong AI?  But the current state of the art of reinforcement learning can only handle relatively small and simple environments, it is still rather helpless when faced with larger and more complex worlds, such as the $10^\mbox{xxx}$ state space of chess.

The key lies in the fact that, higher intelligent beings build up knowledge or world models in their brains, whereas naive reinforcement learning is only concerned with state-action pairs.

The leading researcher in reinforcement learning, Richard Sutton, thinks that RL is the only learning technique that takes into consideration elements such as autonomous agents, environments, and rewards, therefore it should be the top-level architecture in an AI system, where other modules such as logic and pattern recognition should subsume under its control.  I think this makes a lot of sense.

Thus to build a strong AI, a possible scheme is to combine reinforcement learning with a certain ability to handle complex world models:

"You have made your way from worm to man, and much in you is still worm." -- Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra

"If men cease to believe that they will one day become gods then they will surely become worms." -- Henry Miller 


Learning AI is boring without programs.  Here is a simple demo that I found on the web, the author is Travis DeWolf:

It only requires Python to run, but you may need to install PyGame first.

Cat, mousecheese:

The cat's behavior is simply to move towards the mouse (this is without intelligence), the mouse's behavior is learned by the algorithm.

Note that, in the main program and in, the behavior of the maze world is defined, but this is purely a game program that has no intelligence in it.  You can use { up, down, left, right } to control the agents' movements, and that's all of it.

The reinforcement learning algorithm is in, which is very short, and the actual learning code is essentially just one line, that is:
def learnQ(self, state, action, reward, value):
oldv = self.q.get((state, action), None)
if oldv is None:
       self.q[(state, action)] = reward
       self.q[(state, action)] = oldv + self.alpha * (value - oldv)
Just this one line of code, is able to make the mouse avoid the cat, and eat the cheese.  It will be explained below...

How does RL work?

Chapter 21 of《AI: a modern approach》has a very good introduction to RL.  《AIMA》is of course the classic AI textbook, many people say that they love AI after studying this book.  The strength of this book is that it uses plenty of words to explain all concepts and principles patiently, so the reader would not feel disorganized.  For example, Chapter 21 first explains passive reinforcement learning, which means to hold the policy fixed, and then simply calculate the agent's expected utility (ie the total rewards).  Having established this foundation then we compare different policies.  This way of thinking is very common in mathematics:  First consider a case so simple that any idiot can solve, and then gradually introduce more complexity.  For example in mathematical induction, to move from case N=1 to N→∞.

To avoid repeating the book, I will just explain the minimum knowledge required to understand Q learning.


U is the sum of rewards after a sequence of actions.  For example, the utility of playing one chess move is not just the immediate reward of that move, but also includes the consequences after that move.  For example, a player may greedily eat a pawn, but then got checkmated 10 moves later.  Or, faced with delicious food, some people may choose not to eat it, for fear of getting fat.

The utility of a state is:  assuming the policy is fixed, and considering all possible future transitions starting from this state, the average expectation of the total reward:

$$ U(S_0) = \mathbb{E}[ \; \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \; \gamma^t \; R(S_t) \; ] $$

where $\mathbb{E[\;]}$ is expectation value, $\gamma$ is the discount factor, such as 0.9 or something.

Real example:  consider a maze like this one:

The arrows represent one policy out of many possible policies.

According to this policy, starting from (1,1) we may get this outcome:

The orange number below is the reward for each state.  In this example, every square that is not the goal, will have 0.04 deducted from the score.

However, even starting from the same state, using the exact same policy, can give different outcomes.  For example, when the creature tries to crawl left from (1,3), the actual outcome may be falling one square downwards.  Such state transitions are dictated by probabilities from the external world.  (For example, someone gets a university degree, but the economy falls into recession, his actual salary may not be as high as he has expected).

Another outcome of the same policy could be:

Or this:

Bellman condition

The Bellman optimality condition is the central idea in dynamic programming.

The artificial intelligence community calls it reinforcement learning, but in control theory it is called dynamic programming;  the two are synonymous.  Richard Bellman in 1953 proposed this equation, while he was working at RAND corporation, dealing with operations research problems.  He also coined the phrase "curse of dimensionality" to describe the major obstacle in dynamic programming.

The problem we try to solve is:  to make a series of sequential decisions.

The Bellman equation says:  "if we cut off a tiny bit from the endpoint of the optimal path, the remaining path is still an optimal path between the new endpoints."

In other words, if we have made a sequence of optimal decisions A B C D E…… then this sequence, with the endpoint A removed, = B C D E …… is still an optimal decision sequence when applied to the rest of the states.

(For example, you plan to drive from Los Angeles to New York:
$$ \mbox{Los Angeles} \rightarrow \mbox{Las Vegas} \rightarrow ... ... \rightarrow \mbox{New York} $$
and you have chosen the cheapest route, which passes through 6 stops, the 2nd stop being Las Vegas.  Now if you remove the starting point Los Angeles, then the remaining route:
$$ \mbox{Las Vegas} \rightarrow ... ... \rightarrow \mbox{New York} $$
would still be the cheapest route for the remaining stops.)

$$ U^*(S) = \max_a \{ R(a) + U^*(S') \} $$
$$ U^*(\mbox{whole path}) = \max_a \{ R(\mbox{choose action $a$ in current state}) + U^*(\mbox{rest of path}) \} $$
$*$ denotes "optimal".  This seemingly simple formula is the entire content of dynamic programming;  What it means is that:  When seeking the path with the best value, we cut off a bit from the path, thus reducing the problem to a smaller problem;  In other words, it is a recursive relation over time.

Delta rule

This is just a simple trick, appearing often in machine learning.  Suppose we have an ideal value, we want to gradually adjust the current value so that it asymptotically approaches this ideal.  What we do is:
$$ \mbox{current value} := \mbox{current value} + \alpha ( \mbox{ideal value} - \mbox{current value}) $$
where $\alpha$ is called the "learning rate".  "Delta" ($\Delta$) referes to the difference between the ideal and current values.

Obviously, as we repeatedly perform the above step, the current value will get closer and closer to the ideal value.

(The differential form of the Delta rule is the familiar gradient descent:  $x \mbox{ += } \eta \cdot \frac{dy}{dx}$)

Temporal difference (TD) learning

Now we apply the Delta rule on the Bellman equation to find the optimal path;  This is called temporal difference learning.

Again we start with the simple case:  assume policy is fixed, the aim is to learn the utility of all states.

Ideally, the value of U(S) can be obtained by:  starting from state S, trying all possible state transitions, summing the total rewards along these paths, and finding the average total reward among all paths.

But in reality, our agent can only experience one state transition after each action.

So we need to apply the Bellman equation:  The U value of a state S is equal to:  its own reward, added with the U values of all possible subsequent states, taking the probabilistic average (ie expectation value), and multiplying with the discount factor $\gamma$:
$$ U(S) = R(S) + \gamma \sum_{S'} P(S \rightarrow S') \; U(S') $$
where P is the transition probability, S' is the subsequent state, $\sum$ is the summation over all subsequent states.  In other words, this is a relation between the ideal U(S) and U(subsequents of S), as a recursive relation.

For example, assume the agent's estimations of state (1,3) and state (2,3) are respectively 0.84 and 0.92.  Also the agent observes that under the current policy, the transition from (1,3) to (2,3) always occurs.  Then the U values of these 2 states should satisfy this constraint:
$$ U(1,3) = -0.04 + U(2,3) \;.$$
In other words, this is the local constraint on the U values between 2 states.

The idea of TD learning:  assume other U(S') estimates are correct, use the Bellman optimality constraint to adjust the U(S) of the current state.  As the number of trials grows large, all the U estimates will approach ideal.  The agent only needs to use this update rule:
$$ U(S) \mbox{  +=  } \alpha ( \; R(S) + \gamma U(S') - U(S) \; ) $$
$\alpha$ is the learning rate, it determines the speed of learning (but it cannot be too large, lest overshooting may occur).  The stuff after $\alpha$ is the difference between the current estimated U(S) and the U(S) estimated using ideal constraint.  For the ideal U(S) and U(S'), this difference would be 0.  Whereas for each time step, we just use $\alpha$ to partially adjust this difference.

Lastly I should mention that, in the above equation of the ideal constraint, there is a summation over all probabilities P, but the P disappeared in the update formula.  That is because the agent is acting in the environment, and this implicitly performs a sampling of the state transition probabilities.  In other words, the summation is performed by the agent itself.

P is the probabilities of state transitions, in other words a model of the world.  TD learning does not need to learn P, that is why it is called model-free learning.  But just as we have said in the beginning, model-free is not necessarily a good thing.  Human intelligence lies in the fact that we do have some pretty good models of the external world.

Q value

Q value is just a variation of U value;  there is a U value for each state, and Q is the decomposition of U by all the actions in that state.  In other words, Q is the utility of doing action A in state S.

What is Q good for?  Below we will introduce active learning, and Q values, when combined with TD learning, can eliminate P in active learning, thus achieving the model-free effect.

The relation between Q and U is:
$$ U(S) = \max_A  Q(A, S) $$

The above update rule needs only be revised with this relation:
$$ U(S) \mbox{  +=  } \alpha ( \; R(S) + \gamma \max_{A'}  Q(A', S') - Q(A, S) \; ) $$

Active learning

In passive learning, with the policy fixed, we can already calculate the utility U(S) for each state S, or the utility Q(S,A) of doing action A under each state S.

If the policy can change, we just need to calculate the Q values for different policies, then choose the action A corresponding to the maximum Q value in each state, that would be the best policy, right?

When we actually execute the above, we find that the agent's policies are really bad!  The reason being that, during the learning process, the Q values are estimates rather than ideals, and if we act according to such Q's, the agent becomes very short-sighted, and fails to find the optimal policy.  (For example, a person always goes to the same restaurant, but if he walks a different path, he could find a better restaurant.)

The agent needs to try some unknown states or actions in order to learn the optimal policy;  This is the so-called exploration vs exploitation trade-off.

The way to do this, is to artificially increase the utilities of unknown states:
$$ U(S) = R(S) + \gamma \max_A \mathcal{F}[ \; \sum_{S'} P(S \rightarrow S') U(S'), \; N(A, S) \; ] $$
where N(A, S) is the number of times the combination of state S and action A has occurred (= has been experienced), $\mathcal{F}$ is the exploration function, it normally returns the estimate of U, but when N is small (that means we have little experience of S, A), it will return a relatively larger estimate, which represents the utility of "curiosity".


I started trying to write an introduction to RL that everyone can understand, but found out that I could barely explain all the things after such a great length.  Hope my girl friend can read and understand this :)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

什么是 kNN 算法?(What is k-nearest-neighbor?)

学习 machine learning 的最低要求是什么?  我发觉要求可以很低,甚至初中程度已经可以。  首先要学习一点 Python 编程,譬如这两本小孩子用的书:【1】【2】便可。   数学方面,只需要知道「两点间距离」的公式(中学的座标几何会读到)。

这本书第二章介绍 kNN 算法,包括 Python 程序:


kNN 是什么?  For example:

开始时,所有 data points 的 labels (颜色)已经是知道的。

kNN 要解决的问题是:  图中那「?」点的 label 应该是什么颜色?


kNN 的算法就是:
  • 在已知的 data points 中,逐一点检视(把這每一點叫作 P):
    • 首先计算「?」和 P 之间的距离
  • 所有距离计算之后,将他们由小至大 sort 好
  • 从 sort 好的序列,取最前的 k 个(即距离最接近「?」的 k 个点子)
  • 对这 k 个点,读出他们的 label(颜色)是什么,这是问题中已经知道的
  • 所有这些 labels(颜色),哪个出现最多?  (亦即是说,最接近「?」的 k 个点子,它们最普遍是什么颜色?)
  • 这出现次数最多的颜色,就是答案

例如,使用者要求 k = 5 时:

最接近「?」的 5 个点,就是以「?」为中心的虚线圆圈内的 5 个点。  它们的颜色顺序依次为:[ ] 。  出现的次数是 4  1 ,所以最高次数的颜色是

如何用 Python 写 kNN ?

1. 计算点与「?」之间距离

首先,回忆中学的坐标几何里,两点间距离的公式。  假设那两点是 A 和 B,它们的座标分别是 $(x_A, y_A)$ 和 $(x_B, y_B)$,则:
$$ \mbox{distance D} = \sqrt{ (x_A - x_B)^2 + (y_A - y_B)^2 } $$
注意,在这公式里,用 $x_A - x_B$ 还是 $x_B - x_A$ 是没有分别的,因为那是正数和负数的分别,而在 $()^2$ 之后便没有分别。(换句话说,计算 A,B 之间的距离,和计算 B,A 之间的距离,是一样的。)

每个点子有 3 个坐标,分别是: x = 「坐飞机旅程」、y = 「吃雪糕的量」、z = 「玩电玩时间」,而 labels 是: 「很喜欢」、「普通喜欢」、「不喜欢」。

因为坐标有 3 个,所以处理的空间是 3 度空间,但为了初学者方便,我们只考虑其中两个座标,所以局限在 2 度空间(平面上)。   如果要 generalize 到 N-度空间,那需要用到 N-度空间中 两点间距离的公式,留给读者作为练习

写程式时,首先要知道那些点子是如何储存於某个 variable 中。  在书中的 "dating" 例子里,那些点子的坐标是 datingDataMat,而 labels 是储存在 datingLabels。

(妳可以在 Python 命令行,呼叫 file2matrix 函数去准备那些点子,然后试试印出 datingDataMat 和 datingLabel 这两个 variables 的内容。 例如 datingDataMat[ : , 1 ] 可以印出所有点子的第二个坐标(即吃雪糕量)。 那「:」的意思是,不指定指标的 begin 和 end,所以是对那个指标「全取」。)

我们用比较浅显的方法重写书中的 Python 函数(書裡的程式用了 vector 和 matrix 的表示法,比較簡潔,但較難懂):

    def classify1(inP, dataSet, labels, k):
        N = len(dataSet)
        Ds = array([0] * N)
        for i in range(N):
             x2 = (inP[0] - dataSet[i][0])**2
             y2 = (inP[1] - dataSet[i][1])**2
             D = sqrt(x2 + y2)
             Ds[i] = D

第 1 句: 定义我们的 function。  inP 是 input point 的意思。

第 2 句: N 是我们 dataSet 的 size,即总共有多少点子。

第 3 句: 我们要计算距离 D,而且有 N 个这样的距离,所以要将结果储存在 array 里。  但使用 array 之前,要先定义它,并填上 0(这叫初始化,initialize)。  Ds 这名字的意思是「很多D」(如英语中的 dogs = dog 的众数)。

第 4 句是 loop:  对於每一点,我们用 i 这个 index「指着」它。  Index 是处理 array 的惯用做法,因为 array 容许妳读取任意位置的元素。

第 5、6 句:  计算 $\Delta x^2$ 和 $\Delta y^2$ 的值,注意,因为我们储存 x, y 的方法是 [x, y] 这样的 list, 所以 x 用指标 [0] 读取,y 用指标 [1] 读取。

第 7 句: 计算 $D = \sqrt{ \Delta x^2 + \Delta y^2 }$。

第 8 句: 将计算好的 D 放进 array Ds 里。

2. 将距离排序

    Dsorted = Ds.sort()
注意,這些程式段落要適當地 indent 好,不然 Python 會出錯的。  这句仍屬於 classify1 函数。

3. 读出点的颜色

刚才说错了,因为 Ds 排序之后,再弄不清哪个点子对应於哪个 label,所以我们要用的是 "arg sort" (argument sort,即是用 指标 来排序)。

例如,设 a = array( [17, 38, 10, 49] ),
a.sort() 会给出 [10, 17, 38, 49],
但 a.argsort() 会给出 [2, 0, 1, 3],这些是 indices(指标)。
换句话说: argsort 的结果是 旧的 indices 的新的排法

Python 程式:
    D_sorted = Ds.argsort()
    first_k = D_sorted[0:k]        # 提取前 k 个元素(但這句其實不需用到)

现在要找出这 k 个点子的 labels,我们可以创造一个新的 array 储存它们:

    first_k_labels = array([0]*k)  # 准备空的 array
    for i in range(0,k):
        first_k_labels[i] = labels[ D_sorted[ i ]]

最后那句要说明一下: 如果写 labels[i] 那就是第 i 个元素的 label。 但我们要的是 排序 好之后的元素的 label,所以我们先「look up」这个 D_sorted array,找出排序后的元素的指标,再用那指标「look up」那 labels array。  (就像查字典,我们想查某个中文字的日语翻译,但我们只有汉英字典和英日字典,所以要两次 look up,出现了 array1[ array2[ i ] ] 这样的语法。 这是很常见的。)

4. 哪个颜色出现最多?

用这个 loop 计算每个 label 出现的次数:
    like1 = 0              # 标签是「不喜欢这男孩」 的点的个数
    like2 = 0              # 标签是「普通喜欢这男孩」的点的个数
    like3 = 0              # 标签是「非常喜欢这男孩」的点的个数
    for i in range(0, k):
        label = first_k_labels[i]
        if label == 1:
            like1 += 1
        elif label == 2:
            like2 += 1
        elif label == 3:
            like3 += 1

然后,找出出现次数最多那个 label:
    if like1 > like2 and like1 > like3:      # 如果 like1 出现最多
        best_label = 1                        # 答案是「不喜欢这男孩」
    elif like2 > like1 and like2 > like3:    # 如果 like2 出现最多
        best_label = 2                        # 答案是「普通喜欢这男孩」
    else:                                    # 如果 like3 出现最多
        best_label = 3                        # 答案是「非常喜欢这男孩」

5. 完工!

    return best_label


实际的 Python program,还要加上这几行 "header":

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-          # 加了這句可以用中文 comments

from numpy import array
from math import sqrt


这例子里,「?」的坐标是 [4.54e+04, 4.98e+00],那是我看了数据后作出来的。 4.54e+04 是 scientific notation,即是 $4.54 \times 10^4$。

我把 k 增加到 600,才开始看到 like2 不是 0。

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

什么是强化学习? (What is reinforcement learning?)

Reinforcement learning 是机器学习里面的一个分支,特别善於控制一只能够在某个环境下 自主行动 的个体 (autonomous agent),透过和 环境 之间的互动,例如 sensory perception 和 rewards,而不断改进它的 行为 

听到强化学习,你脑里应该浮现一只曱甴那样的小昆虫,那就是 autonomous agent 的形象:

对「环境」(environment) 这概念,你应该想到像以下这经典游戏的迷宫:

包括有追捕你的怪物、和吃了会加分的食物 (这些代表负值和正值的 rewards)。  当然,实际应用的「环境」和「奖励」可以是抽象的,这游戏是一个很具体的例子。


记住,reinforcement learning 的 输入 是:
  • 状态 (States) = 环境,例如迷宫的每一格是一个 state
  • 动作 (Actions) = 在每个状态下,有什么行动是容许的
  • 奖励 (Rewards) = 进入每个状态时,能带来正面或负面的 价值 (utility)
  • 方案 (Policy) = 在每个状态下,你会选择哪个行动?
於是这 4 个元素的 tuple (S,A,R,P)就构成了一个强化学习的系统。   在抽象代数中我们常常用这 tuple 的方法去定义系统或结构。

  1. states S = 迷宫中每一格的位置,可以用一对座标表示,例如(1,3)
  2. actions A = 在迷宫中每一格,你可以行走的方向,例如:{上,下,左,右}
  3. rewards R = 当前的状态 (current state) 之下,迷宫中的那格可能有食物 (+1) 、也可能有怪兽 (-100)
  4. policy P = 一个由 状态 $\rightarrow$ 行动 的 函数,意即: 这函数对给定的每一个状态,都会给出一个行动。 
(S, A, R)是使用者设定的, P 是算法自动计算出来的。  


第一个想到的问题是: 为什么不用这个方法打造人工智能?  但现时的强化学习算法,只对比较细小和简单的环境适用,对於大的复杂的世界,例如象棋的 $10^\mbox{xxx}$ 状态空间,仍是 intractable 的。

关键就是,高等智慧生物会在脑中建立世界的模型 (world model) 或知识 (knowledge), 而强化学习只是关心简单的「状态-行动」配对。

强化学习的领导研究者 Richard Sutton 认为,只有这种学习法才考虑到 自主个体环境奖励 等因素,所以它是人工智能中最 top-level 的 architecture,而其他人工智能的子系统,例如 logic 或 pattern recognition,都应该在它的控制之下,我觉得颇合理。

所以要制造 strong AI,一个可能的方案就是结合强化学习和某种处理复杂 world model 的能力:

你们已经由虫进化成人,但在你们之内大部份仍是虫。」  -- 尼采, Thus spoke Zarathustra

如果人类不相信他们有一天会变成神,他们就肯定会变成虫。」  -- Henry Miller 


学 AI 最紧要有 program,不然就会很枯燥。  这是我在网上找到的一个特别简单的 demo,作者是 Travis DeWolf:

只要 Python 便可运行,但你可能要 install PyGame。



注意,在 main program 和 这两部分,纯粹是定义了迷宫世界如何运作,基本上是一个 game,里面完全没有智能,你可以用{上、下、左、右} 控制各 agent 的活动,如此而已。

def learnQ(self, state, action, reward, value):
oldv = self.q.get((state, action), None)
if oldv is None:
       self.q[(state, action)] = reward
       self.q[(state, action)] = oldv + self.alpha * (value - oldv)
单是这一句程式,就能令老鼠学到避开猫、吃芝士。  以下再解释……


《AI-a modern approach》这本书第 21 章有很好的简介。  《AIMA》自然是经典,很多人说他们是读这本书而爱上 AI 的。  这本书好处是,用文字很耐性地解释所有概念和原理,思路很清晰,使读者不致有杂乱无章的感觉。  例如 21 章 首先讲 passive reinforcement learning,意思是当 policy 是固定时,纯粹计算一下 agent 期望的价值(utility,即 rewards 的总和) 会是多少。  有了这基础后再比较不同 policies 的好坏。  这种思路在数学中很常见: 首先考虑简单到连白痴也可以解决的 case,然后逐步引入更多的复杂性。  例如数学归纳法,由 N=1 的 case 推到 N→∞ 。

为免重复,我只解释到明白 Q learning 的最少知识。

Utility (价值,或效)

U 是一连串行动的 rewards 的总和。  例如说,行一步棋的效用,不单是那步棋当前的利益,还包括走那步棋之后带来的后果。  例如,当下贪吃一只卒,但 10 步后可能被将死。  又或者,眼前有美味的食物,但有些人选择不吃,因为怕吃了会变肥。

一个 state 的效用 U 就是: 假设方案固定,考虑到未来所有可能的 transitions,从这个 state 开始的平均期望的 total reward 是多少 :

$$ U(S_0) = \mathbb{E}[ \; \sum_{t=0}^{\infty} \; \gamma^t \; R(S_t) \; ] $$

其中 $\mathbb{E[\;]}$ 代表期望值,$\gamma$ 是 discount factor,例如 0.9 或什么。

实例: 考虑这简单的迷宫:



下面橙色的值是每个 state 的 reward。  在这例子中,每个不是终点的格,也会扣 0.04 分。

但从同一起点,同一方案,也可以出现不同结果,例如在 (1,3) 企图向右爬,但实际结果是向下跌一格; 这些 state transitions 是由外在世界的机率决定的。  (例如某人读了大学文凭,但遇上经济不景,他的薪水未必能达到行动的预期效果。)


Bellman condition

这是 dynamic programming(动态规划)的中心思想,又叫 Bellman optimality condition。

在人工智能里我们叫 reinforcement learning,但在控制论的术语里叫 dynamic programming,两者其实是一样的。 Richard Bellman 在 1953 年提出这个方程,当时他在 RAND 公司工作,处理的是运筹学的问题。 他也首先使用了 "curse of dimensionality" 这个术语,形容动态规划的主要障碍。

考虑的问题是: 要做一连串的 sequential decisions。

Bellman equation 说的是: 「如果从最佳选择的路径的末端截除一小部分,馀下的路径仍然是最佳路径。

换句话说,如果一系列的选择 A B C D E…… 是最优的,那么这系列除去开始的 A,那 B C D E …… 系列应用在后继的状态上也是最优的。

(例如,你从香港乘车到北京,选择了最便宜的路线,此路线经过 10 个车站,第二站是深圳:
$$ \mbox{香港} \rightarrow \mbox{深圳} \rightarrow ... ... \rightarrow \mbox{北京} $$
$$ \mbox{深圳} \rightarrow ... ... \rightarrow \mbox{北京} $$
这路线仍然是馀下 9 个站之间最便宜的。)

$$ U^*(S) = \max_a \{ R(a) + U^*(S') \} $$
$$ U^*(\mbox{全路径}) = \max_a \{ R(\mbox{在当前状态下选取 a}) + U^*(馀下路径) \} $$
$*$ 表示「最优 (optimal)」。 这条看似简单的式子是动态规划的全部内容; 它的意义是: 我们想获得最佳效益的路径,所以将路径切短一些,於是问题化解成一个较小的问题;  换句话说它是一个 recursive relation

Delta rule

这只是一个简单的 trick,在机器学习中经常出现。  假设我们有一个理想,我们要逐步调教当前的状态,令它慢慢趋近这个理想。 方法是: 
$$ \mbox{当前状态} := \mbox{当前状态} + \alpha ( \mbox{理想} - \mbox{当前状态}) $$
其中 $\alpha$ 叫「学习速度 (learning rate)」。 "Delta" ($\Delta$) 指的是理想现状之间的差异


(Delta rule 的微分形式就是我们熟悉的「梯度下降」: $x \mbox{ += } \eta \cdot \frac{dy}{dx}$)

Temporal difference (TD) learning

将 delta rule 应用到 Bellman condition 上,去寻找最优路径,这就是 temporal difference learning。

我们还是从简单情况开始:  假设方案固定,目标是学习每个 state 的 utility。

理想的 U(S) 值,是要从 state S 开始,试验所有可能的 transitions,再计算这些路径的 total rewards 的平均值。

实际上,agent 只能够每次体验一个行动之后的 state transition。

所以要应用 Bellman condition: 一个 state S 的 U 值,是它自身的 reward,加上所有可能的后继 states 的 U 值,取其机率平均,再乘以 discount factor $\gamma$:
$$ U(S) = R(S) + \gamma \sum_{S'} P(S \rightarrow S') \; U(S') $$
其中 P 是 transition 的机率,S' 是后继 state,$\sum$ 是对所有后继 states 求和。  换句话说,这是理想的 U(S) 和 U(S 的后继) 之间的关系,是一个 recursive relation。

例如,假设 agent 现时对 state (1,3) 和 state (2,3) 的估值,分别为 0.84 和 0.92。  又假设 agent 察觉到,根据现有方案,在 (1,3) 时总是会发生跳到 (2,3) 这个 transition。  那么这两个 states 的 U 值,应该符合这条约束:
$$ U(1,3) = -0.04 + U(2,3) $$
换句话说,这是两个 states 之间,U 值的 local (局部的)约束。

TD learning 的思想是:  假设其他 U(S') 的值正确,利用 Bellman optimality 来调整当下 state 的 U(S)。 当尝试的次数多了,所有 U 值都会趋向理想。 Agent 只需要用这条 update rule:
$$ U(S) \mbox{  +=  } \alpha ( \; R(S) + \gamma U(S') - U(S) \; ) $$

$\alpha$ 是 learning rate,它决定学习的速度(但它不能太大,避免 overshooting)。  后面那东西是 U(S) 和 U(S) 的估值 (estimation) 之间的差别。  对於理想的 U(S) 和 U(S'),那差别会是 0。  而在每个 time step,我们只是用 $\alpha$ 部分地 调整这个差别。

最后一提,在上面理想约束的公式里,有对於机率 P 的求和,但在 update formula 中 P 不见了。  那是因为 agent 在环境中的行动,暗含了对於 state transition 机率的 sampling (随机地取样本)。 换句话说,那机率求和是由 agent 本身体现的。

P 是 state transitions 的机率,换句话是关於世界的一个 model。 TD learning 不需要学习 P,所以叫 model-free learning。  但正如开篇时说过,model-free 并不一定是好事,人的智慧就是基於我们对外在世界有一些很好的 models。

Q value

Q 值只是 U 值的一个变种 ;   U 是对每个 state 而言的,Q 把 U 值分拆成每个 state 中的每个 action 的份量。  换句话说,Q 就是在 state S 做 action A 的 utility。

Q 和 U 之间的关系是:
$$ U(S) = \max_A  Q(A, S) $$

Q 的好处是什么?  下面将会介绍 active learning,而 Q value  配合 TD learning,可以在 active learning 中也消除 P,达到 model-free 的效果。

上面的 update rule 只要用这个关系改写就行:
$$ U(S) \mbox{  +=  } \alpha ( \; R(S) + \gamma \max_{A'}  Q(A', S') - Q(A, S) \; ) $$

Active learning

在 passive learning 中,方案不变,我们已经能够计算每个 state S 的效用 U(S),或者每个 state S 之下行动 A 的效用 Q(S, A)。

如果方案是可以改变的,我们只需计算不同方案的 Q 值,然后在每个 state S 选取相应於最大 Q 值的行动 A,那就是最佳方案,不是吗?

实际上执行的结果,却发现这些 agent 的方案很差!  原因是,学习过程中的 Q 值是 estimate,不是理想的 Q 值,而如果根据这样的 Q 行动,agent 变得很短视,不会找到 optimal policy。  (例如,某人经常吃同一间餐馆,但循另一路径走,可以发现更好的餐馆。)

Agent 需要尝试一些未知的状态/行动,才会学到 optimal policy;  这就是所谓的 exploration vs exploitation (好奇心 vs 短暂贪婪)之间的平衡。

$$ U(S) = R(S) + \gamma \max_A \mathcal{F}[ \; \sum_{S'} P(S \rightarrow S') U(S'), \; N(A, S) \; ] $$
其中 N(A, S) 是状态 S 和行动 A 这对组合出现过(被经历过)的次数,$\mathcal{F}$ 是 exploration 函数,它平时回覆正常的 U 的估计值,但当 N 很小时(亦即我们对 S,A 的经验少),它会回覆一个比较大的估值,那代表「好奇心」的效用。


本来想写一篇人人能读懂的 RL 简介,但发觉写到长篇大论才勉强解释完。  希望女朋友能读懂 :)

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

什么是张量?(What are tensors?)

向量 = vector
向量空间 = vector space

两个向量空间 U, V 之间的线性变换,可以用 matrix 表示。

如果 U 的维数是 m,V 的维数是 n,则 $T: U \rightarrow V$ 的矩阵形式是 $m \times n$。

矩阵应该正确地理解为: 两个向量空间之间的线性变换。  矩阵只是线性方程组简写;  是「线性」这性质 逼使 这些变换成为矩阵。


张量是 双线性变换 (bi-linear form) 的 universal form (万有形式)。  首先要了解什么是 bi-linear form,然后了解什么是 universal form。

Bi-linear form

Linear map (or transformation) 的意思是,一个由向量空间 U 到 V 的变换,服从:

$T: U \rightarrow V$

$T(v_1 + v_2) = T(v_1) + T(v_2)$

$T(k v) = k T(v) $

Bi-linear map 是 linear map 的推广,由向量空间 U,V 到 W 的变换,使其对 U 和对 V 也是线性变换:

$T: U \times V \rightarrow W$

$T(a v_1 + b v_2, u) = a T(v_1, u) + b T(v_2, u)$

$T(v, a u_1 + b u_2) = a T(v, u_1) + b T(v, u_2)$

Universal form

Universal form 用来表达某种结构的「最一般形式」,这个 idea 来自 category theory。

In our case,首先考虑两个向量空间之间的 tensor product,⨂:

那 $\times$ 代表 Cartesian product,即是 U,V 里面各取一个向量的任意组合。

By definition,那 tensor product 当然是 bi-linear 的。

但这时,如果有另一个 bi-linear map 射向 X:

注意,这 bi-linear map 未必是 tensor product,它只需要是任何 bi-linear map。 

而我们要求存在第三个唯一的 map,通常用 ! 号标记:

它使得「从 U x V 到 W 再到 X」,和「从 U x V 直接到 X」是一样的。  换句话说,就是这个由箭头表示的 diagram 是「可交换的」,即 "commutes" 。

实际的意思,是因为那 tensor product 保存了所有关於 bi-linear forms 的「资讯」,所以由 W 可以「重构」任何 U,V 之间的 bi-linear maps。  而且,这个万有形式是最 minimal 的,没有多馀的重复,所以只能有一个 unique map 由 W 射向 X。

所以说: tensor product 是所有 bi-linear forms 的 universal form

Bi-linear maps 可以有很多例子,但它们未必是 ⨂ 的模型 (models)。  例如: 两个向量的 inner product、cross product、两个矩阵的 matrix product、两个复数的乘积、 都是 bi-linear 的,但它们都不是 tensor product 的模型,理由是因为它们把双线性变换后的资讯萎缩了 (collapsed)。  但两个矩阵的 Kronecker product 是 tensor product,还有另一个模型是最常见的,利用 dual space V* 来描述。 

关於张量的代数,还有很多特性,但其抽象意义就是这个。  我暂时还没有学懂张量的详细性质,这里只能简介。



两个向量空间的 direct sum 就是它们的 笛卡儿 乘积 U x V。  如果 U 是三度空间,V 是两度空间,则 U x V 有 3 + 2 = 5 度,它的 vectors 是像: $(v_1, v_2, v_3, u_1, u_2)$ 那样的元素。

但在张量积的空间 (tensor product space),$U \otimes V$ 的度数是 3 x 2 = 6。  一般来说它的度数可以大很多。  为什么张量积的空间可以大过两个向量空间的笛卡儿积?  那是因为我们在谈论两个空间之间的变换的空间。  如果我们考虑非线性变换(例如多项式变换 )、或是可微分变换,那些空间甚至是无穷维的!


Guo, Hongyu 2014:  Modern mathematics and applications in computer graphics and vision  这本书很易懂 ,我從這書中抄了一些內容 :

Monday, March 16, 2015

什么是遗传/进化算法? (What are evolutionary algorithms?)

这是基於 进化论 而启发出来的一种很特别的 机器学习 技巧。  我最近渐渐明白到它可能是破解 strong AI 的关键。  Ben Goertzel 和我见面的谈话中也特别注重这一方向。  原来 Alan Turing 很早就看到 进化 和 machine learning 之间有明显关系,而现时机器学习的一个很有名的研究者 Leslie Valiant 也在新书 (English version) 中谈论这课题。


首先,要理解什么是进化论。  举例来说,假设某只动物的基因变异 令牠比同伴有更锋利的爪和牙齿,那么那牠就能吃到同伴吃不到的食物,也能抢到更多异性去交配。  久之,牠的同伴会较少后裔、甚至绝种,而牠的后裔则会越来越强盛。  这就是「物竞天择 适者生存」。

人类的情况有些不同,因为人类有文化 (意即靠语言传授下来的那些知识),所以有些优点不是纯粹由基因可以看出来。  说到这个问题很具争议性,因为涉及优生学等道德议题。  人们喜欢举反例,例如说『这个男生长得不好看 却有很多女朋友』等等,我不想扯得太远。  想想看,人类最强烈的感情,莫过於找不到伴侣传宗接代,而我们得不到异性的青睐 就会很痛苦,或者看到别人有更多「资源 resource」会妒忌,这些都是进化很有力的证据。 人类的感情通常可以用进化解释,这科目叫 evolutionary psychology (进化心理学)。

我个人认为,竞争是生物界以至人类社会的基本状况,我们必须接受并习惯它。  人类在商业、战争、体育、文艺、甚至下棋也是在竞争。   「天行健 君子以自强不息」,那是很好的勉励。


以前说过,机器学习的目的就是要在浩瀚的 假设空间 (hypothesis space) 中寻找那些能正确地解释现实的语句。  例如婴孩可能用「有胡子就是爸爸」 来解释身边出现的人。

问题是假设空间太大,我们如同「在禾秆推里找一只针」,单靠 brute force 不是办法。

进化算法就是在很大的空间里 寻找某个 最佳答案 (optimal solution) 的一个很强的技巧。 它把需要寻找的 candidates 模拟成一个「人口」population,任由这些 candidates 在某个人工的环境下竞争, 然后,每次选取得分最高的一小撮样本,让它们「交配」,即 基因重组 (genetic recombination),那样产生新一批的  candidates, 如此逐步推向越来越优秀的 solutions。

举个例子,研究者用进化算法进化出一些电子电路,例如用於音响的滤波器 (filter) ,其 performance 甚至比人手设计的还要优越。  而且,那电路很不规则而且难理解,人们不知道它是如何运作的,有些部分甚至有多馀的元件存在。  那是因为进化的过程中,有时一些表面上没用的「器官」在组合之后或许变有用,所以进化的结果也常保留很多「废物 junk」。

我就是想用这方法去写 Genifer 的学习功能(我们要进化的 candidates 就是那些逻辑句子 logic formulas)。



  1. 初始时,预备一个 population,可以是随机产生的。
  2. 对每个 candidate 进行 估值 (evaluation),即是让这个 candidate 在人工的世界里生存。  例如我们测试它在所需的功能的表现如何。  那计分的方法叫 objective function 「目的函数」。
  3. 选取表现最好的 N 个 candidates,进行 变种 mutation重组 recombination。  变种是作用在单个 candidate 上的,重组则需要一对 candidates。  那就涉及到我们怎样将设计空间的元素表示为「基因」,於是有所谓 表述 (representation) 的问题。  这编码是要由研究者设计的。
  4. 在评分的时候,可以容许那些 candidates 在环境中互相合作亦同时竞争,那叫 cooperative evolution。   我觉得 Genifer 有需要用这方法,因为在知识库中的每个知识片段,是要和其他知识互相作用,那逻辑系统才能推导出有意思的结果。  


例如这个 基因算法 的程式,用 Ruby 写成,只需短短一页。


那个例子叫 "OneMax",每个个体是一串 0 和 1 的字串,目标是全部变成 "1"。

这个例子特别简单,因为「基因」就是个体的 显形 (phenotype),省略了 基因表述 (gene expression) 这步骤,便於学习。

实际运行时,发生了有趣的现象。  我先试 Ruby,然后把它翻译成 Scala,但奇怪地 Scala 版本的运行没有收敛到完美的结果,而 Ruby 版本很快就达到了。

我把 Ruby 和 Scala 进化的两个 populations 用图像显示出来,每一横列是一个个体。  第一片段是 Ruby「正常」的进化(到结尾时已经进化出第一个完美的纯 "1" 个体):

第二个是我写的 Scala 「不正常」进化:

可见在病态版本,那些孩子逐渐变成一模一样,而且每个也有同样的缺陷(因而显示成垂直线) 。

为什么呢?  Debug 了整整两天,才发现一个把 0 写作 1 的错误,令到那个 point mutation 的函数形同虚设,亦即是说 病态版本 根本缺乏 point mutations。

那是一个非常有启发性的 bug,使我学到了,单是 sexual reproduction 还不能做到高效率的进化,原来个体的 point mutations 也有关键的重要性,而我一直误以为 有性生殖 是产生 多样性 (diversity) 的唯一途径。  我依稀记得文献里曾提及这点,但不记得了。  有趣吗?  :)

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Cognitive micro-actions

Consider this definition of "grand father" in predicate logic:

$$\mbox{father}(X,Y) \wedge \mbox{father}(Y,Z) \rightarrow \mbox{grandfather}(X,Z).$$

The use of variables makes this formula rather long and unnatural.  Long formulas are difficult to learn via inductive learning.

My latest idea is to introduce procedural elements into logic so that certain operations intuitive to the human mind can be carried out via very short instructions.

Working memory structure

Cognitive science studies have shown that the human brain can hold approximately "7 plus or minus 2" items in working memory.

Imagine that working memory is like a data structure (eg a linked-list, tree, stack, queue, graph, etc..) that can be programmed with micro-instructions.

In logic, every problem must be fashioned as deduction.  This makes certain simple operations complicated to define.  For example, this is the definition of "append" in Prolog:

$$\mbox{append [Head|Tail] to List gives Head | List2} ← \mbox{append Tail to List gives List2}$$

which is 13 symbols long.

Notice that the variables are inter-dependent among conjuncts in the formula:

This creates complications in pattern matching (unification) and substitution.

Suppose that Genifer's working memory has a linked-list tool kit, with micro-instructions such as:

  • focus on first list item
  • move to next list item
  • replace focused list item with X
  • insert X before current focus
  • etc...
Such instructions are very short and are usually atomic or have only 1 argument.  This is a significant advantage during machine learning.

Eliminating variables in logic

Consider again the grandfather formula:

$$\mbox{father}(X,Y) \wedge \mbox{father}(Y,Z) \rightarrow \mbox{grandfather}(X,Z).$$

Relation algebra (not to be confused with "relational algebra" in database theory) offers a way to eliminate variables.  It can be regarded as a form of combinatory logic (the major theory of eliminating variables), focused on relations.

For example, the grandfather example is formulated as:

$$\mbox{father} \circ \mbox{father} = \mbox{grandfather}$$

which is similar to natural-language "father's father is grandfather".  Notice that the above is a complete statement about the "operators" father⚫ and grandfather⚫.

Look at the following inference carried out in relation algebra, using equations purely, and substitution of equal by equals:

$\mbox{john = father paul}$

$\mbox{paul = father pete}$

$\mbox{john = father father pete = grandfather pete}$

Also notice how similar the above derivation is to natural language.

Genifer logic

I suggest to use an eclectic mix of logical and procedural elements;  such a set will almost certainly be Turing universal, if it is not too impoverished.
  • equations
  • probabilistic conditioning (Bayesian arrow)
  • subsumption


A hybrid formula of the form:

$$conditions \rightarrow action$$

is neither logical nor procedural, but it can be learned via logical inductive learning or reinforcement learning.

  • In logical learning, the above conditional statement is construed as "if conditions are satisfied, it would be appropriate to carry out the action".  Such a statement becomes declarative and thus can be learned via logical inductive learning.
  • In the procedural setting, when a reward is received, the sequence of actions would be recorded and it would include the above hybrid formula. So the formula can be up-scored as usual.
These 2 learning processes may occur independently.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Searching in a lattice (在格中搜寻)

[ From now on I will write in English, though my English is less fluent than Chinese, but I find it more important to address international partners. ]

Last time I briefly introduced inductive learning;  how the search can be conducted in 2 directions: generalization (一般化) and specialization (特殊化).

Let me first introduce the simplest searching algorithm:  binary search (二分法寻找).

Binary search

Remember the game "20 Questions", in which one player thinks of a "thing" and the other player tries to guess what it is by asking only YES / NO questions.

It may be a bit surprising that an arbitrary thing in the mind can be categorized only by 20 yes/no questions, but that is an illustration of the power of binary search.

The number of distinct things that can be specified by 20 questions is $2^{20} = 1048576$.  That is because, at each level, the number of nodes is doubled.  In other words, the number of nodes grows exponentially as powers of 2 (以2的幂级数作指数上升).

If I play the 20 Questions game, (given that I don't have any clue as to the player's preference), I would first ask:  "Is the thing physical or abstract?"  and if physical I would ask "Is it natural or artificial?"  or if abstract I would ask "Is it (good or bad) or neutral?"

The point is that I would try to divide the classes into roughly half-and-half proportions.  That is going to maximize the information I can gain.  If, however, I ask the first question "Is it spaghetti with meatballs?" it would be too specific and a waste of chance to narrow down the domain.

The more I can split the domain into 1/2, the more optimal my efficiency.  The more it deviates from 1/2 would be the less efficient.

The simplest case is binary search over a list of numbers (ie, we search for a given number in a list of unknown numbers;  all we know is that the list is sorted from small to big).

This is a nice video explaining the binary search algorithm:
There are many more web pages explaining binary search, so I will skip it here.

Notice that in mathematics, we have what are called order relations (大小关系).  For example the natural numbers can be ordered as follows:

1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 < 6 .... $\infty$

and the integers can be ordered similarly:

$-\infty$ .... -5 < -4 < -3 < -2 < -1 < 0 < 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 < 5 .... $\infty$

The rational numbers can also be ordered as a chain, but the chain cannot be listed out because there is always another rational number between every 2 of them.  But these numbers still form a chain (链) in the sense that any 2 number can be compared and ordered (sorted).

The computational complexity (计算复杂度) of binary search is $O(\log N)$, meaning that if we have a list of $N$ numbers, it would take on average $\log N$ steps in the algorithm to find the position of a target.  Mathematically, the relation of $a^N$ and $\log_a N$ are inverses (互逆运算) of each other.

In other words, when the domain (ie, the search space) is of size $N$, the number of search steps is the logarithm of $N$.  Remember that when we take the exponent (power, $n$ 次方) of something, the result gets very large.  Conversely, when we take the logarithm of something, the result is shrunk to very small.  For example, taking the logarithm in base 10 is like counting the number of digits in a number.  So Bill Gates (a multi-billionaire) 's wealth is a 10-digit number.  My wealth is 5-digit number.

The idea of binary search (or in general, splitting the domain successively into equal partitions) is very important because it allows us to "take the logarithm" of the search space, shrinking the complexity to a manageable size.

Lattices (格)

Now we turn to our main concern.  For logic-based machine learning, we conduct a search in the hypothesis space (假设空间).  That space is organized along a general-to-specific axis (由一般到特殊的方向轴).  Even more difficult is that the elements are not ordered as a chain.  They form a lattice which is a mathematical generalization of an order relation.

We can denote $F_1 > F_2$ to mean "Formula 1 is more general than Formula 2".  However, not all formulas can be compared by generality.  This is why our search space is not a simple chain but a lattice.

For example, we may say that a woman is someone who has long hair, breasts, and wears skirts:
    $F_1:  \mbox{woman} \leftarrow \mbox{long hair}, \mbox{breasts}, \mbox{wears skirts}$

But we can be slightly more specific, adding that she has finer facial features, painted fingernails, speaks in a softer voice, etc:
    $F_2:  \mbox{woman} \leftarrow \mbox{long hair}, \mbox{breasts}, \mbox{wears skirts}, \mbox{fine facial features}, \mbox{painted nails}, \mbox{softer voice}$

So $F_1 > F_2$ (Formula 1 is more general than Formula 2).

We can also be more general by saying:  "a woman is anyone who has long hair":

    $F_3:  \mbox{woman} \leftarrow \mbox{long hair}$

So $F_3 > F_1$.

Generally, we see that if we add more terms to the conditional side of a formula, the more specific it becomes (because the conditions are harder to satisfy);  and if we remove terms from the conditions, the formula becomes more general (easier to satisfy).

But how about this alternative definition:  "a woman is someone with XX chromosome and female genitalia":

    $F_4:  \mbox{woman} \leftarrow \mbox{XX chromosome}, \mbox{female genitalia}$

The formula $F_4$ cannot be compared with the above formulas along the general-specific axis, because it removes some conditions and adds new ones at the same time.  But $F_4$ is also located along some chains of other formulas.

The general situation is that:  not all formulas can be compared with each other, but for any 2 formulas, we can always find a third one that is more general (or specific) than the two.

As an example, this is a lattice (a line going from high to low means ">"):

This is also an example of a power set (幂集).  Given a set, say, $\{a, b, c\}$, the power set is the set of all its subsets.  For example, $\{a, b\}$ is one subset, $\{c\}$ is another subset.  The empty set $\emptyset$ is also a subset.

Here, ">" means the superset relation.

Notice that the power set in the above example has 8 elements, and $8 = 2^3$.  The 3 is because the original set $\{a, b, c\}$ has 3 elements.  In general, the power set of a set $A$ has $2^{|A|}$ elements, where $|A|$ denotes the number of elements in $A$, ie, the size of $A$. 
In mathematics, everything has an explanation.  There is not a single thing in mathematics that has no explanations.  Why does the power set have $2^{|A|}$ elements?  Let's try to list all the elements of the power set of $\{a, b, c\}$.
From the bottom of the lattice diagram:   First we list the empty set (the set with 0 elements).  Then we list the sets with 1 element:  $\{a\}$, $\{b\}$, and $\{c\}$.  Then we list the sets with 2 elements:  $\{a, b\}$, $\{a, c\}$, and $\{b, c\}$.  Then we list the set with all 3 elements:  $\{a, b, c\}$.  Then we're done. 
Another way to do this, is to ask, for each element of $\{a, b, c\}$, whether to include it in a set or not.  So for each element we are asking a YES / NO question.  For each question we can have 2 answers.  So there would be a total of $2 \times 2 \times 2$ different answers.  Because for each element we can have 2 choices:  whether to include it or not. 
Even more generally, if we have a mapping from a set $A$ to a set $B$, the total number of different mappings from $A$ to $B$ is equal to $|B|^{|A|}$.  For example, if we are trying to match 5 boys to 3 girls, there would be $3^5 = 243$ different mappings (multiple boys can map to the same girl, but each boy cannot choose more than 1 girl).  That is different from $5^3 = 125$ where multiple girls can choose the same boy, but each girl can only choose 1 boy. 
That is the meaning of exponentiation, from a source to a set of choices, $\mbox{choices}^\mbox{source}$.  The size of $B^A$ is the number of possible functions (mappings) from $A \rightarrow B$. 
Even if the sets are uncountable, such as the points on the line interval [0,1], the exponentiation can be understood as functions from a set to another set.

Notice that in the lattice above, $\{a\}$ cannot be compared to $\{b\}$, but $\{a, b\} > \{a\}$ and $\{a, b\} > \{b\}$, so we can find an element that is "bigger" than both $\{a\}$ and $\{b\}$.

Also notice that the common element that is bigger than both $x$ and $y$ is denoted $x \vee y$.  Such an element should always be unique in a lattice.  This means that the following diagram is forbidden (for lattice orders):

because the red lines and blue lines both indicate a possible $x \vee y$.

This is also not allowed:

because both $y \vee z = z$ and $y \vee z = w$ are possible.

These are some more complicated, but acceptable, lattices:


In Genifer, our learning algorithm needs to search within the lattice of formulas (hypotheses).  Whenever Genifer experiences some new examples, it searches for the most general generalization (mgg) of the given examples, as long as the hypothesis does not contradict her existing knowledge.

It is still a somewhat open question as to how to conduct this search efficiently.  We wish to find a fast algorithm analogous to binary search along a chain, but within a lattice.  Maybe the reader can help me solve this problem?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

什么是贝叶斯网络? (What are Bayesian networks? in Chinese)


上次介绍过「命题逻辑」,命题即是能赋予真假值 (truth value) 的东西。  例如「昨天下雨」、「人是动物」等。

命题之间有「关系 relations」,例如:「吃了不洁食物」→「肚子痛」;
记作 P → Q 或叫「P 蕴涵 Q」。

这个「箭头」是一切逻辑中最重要的,有了它才可以有「推导 deduction」这回事,否则知识变成一堆离散的没关连的点子。

宇宙无限,但人脑有限,以有限的脑怎能理解无限的世界? 那是靠 general rules。  那些 rules 里面有变量 (variables),所以逻辑 formulas 可以像 template (模版) 那样套到不同的实例上,然后推出不同的结论,於是「经验世界」可以被压缩成有限的资讯。



但,在经典逻辑中,所有命题都是非真即假 (binary)的,这当然有局限,所以我们这一代的研究者都不用经典逻辑了。   我的 Genifer、Ben Goertzel 的 OpenCog、王培的 OpenNARS,我们都设计了某种 "uncertainty logic"。

我使用的办法是经典的概率论加上模糊性 (fuzzy);  例如,如果说「玛莉很高」,那概率的分布就可以像下图的红色曲线那样:

即是说,玛莉的高度,是以不确定的概率分布,而最有可能的高度就是尖端的 peak 位置。  注意,我不标示真正的高度,而是用 [0,1] 这区间来表示「高」的程度,例如 0.7 是比平均高的, 0.5 则是平均。


还有,机率的特性,就是它分布的曲线下面的总面积一定是 1,因为无论玛莉的高度如何分布,所有可能性的总和就是一个「必然事件」,而必然事件的机率是1。 

Bayesian network

以下是一个 Bayesian network 的例子 :

每一个箭头,如果是由 X 指向 Y,便表示 "Y given X",亦即是「如果知道了 X 发生的话,Y 的机会是多少」。

例如在图中可看到,吸烟影响肺癌、肺癌影响疲倦、肺癌也影响 X-ray 的结果。

在上图中每个箭头,都附带有一些 P(X|Y) 那样的数据,如下表所示:

P(X1 = yes)=0.2
P(X2=absent | X1=no)=0.95
P(X2=absent | X1=yes)=0.75
P(X2=present | X1=no)=0.05
P(X2=present | X1=yes)=0.25
P(X3=absent | X1=no)=0.99995
P(X3=absent | X1=yes)=0.997
P(X3=absent | X1=no)=0.00005
P(X3=absent | X1=yes)=0.003
P(X4=absent | X2=absent, X3=absent)=0.95
P(X4=absent | X2=absent, X3=present)=0.5
P(X4=absent | X2=present, X3=absent)=0.9
P(X4=absent | X2=present, X3=present)=0.25
P(X4=present | X2=absent, X3=absent)=0.05
P(X4=present | X2=absent, X3=present)=0.5
P(X4=present | X2=present, X3=absent)=0.1
P(X4=present | X2=present, X3=present)=0.75
P(X5=absent | X3=absent)=0.98
P(X5=absent | X3=present)=0.4
P(X5=present | X3=absent)=0.02
P(X5=present | X3=present)=0.6

之所以叫 Bayesian network,是因为 Bayes 这个和牛顿同期的数学家:

他发现了一个公式可以用来计算 P(X|Y) 那样的机率 :

$ P(A|B) P(B) = P(A,B) = P(B|A) P(A) $

其中 P(A,B) 是 "A and B" 都发生的机率,和 "A given B" 不同。


贝叶斯网络的难处,是在於网络把不同的机率连系起来了,所以 Bayes rule 要一个套着一个地连续运用,变成很复杂、很多 sum of products。  但其实如果有耐性和细心的话,那个算法应该不难,因为除了 Bayes rule 与及机率的基本运算之外, 就没有其他了。 


以前经典 AI 不用机率,直到 1980's Judea Pearl 写了一本很详细分析 Bayesian network 的书,使它变成主流:

Pearl 的儿子是美国驻伊拉克记者,他们家是犹太人,他不幸被恐怖分子捉了而被割首,过程被摄影下来。  我不能断定他是极端亲美,还是作为一个同情者而被无辜杀害。

另外这个是 Daphne Koller,她是这本新的巨著 (2009 年,1280 pages!) 的作者之一:

但这本书太 technical 和详细,对初学者不好读。

在 Stanford U 的 Daphne 是 Coursera 的创始人之一,她的(免费的)课 详细地讲解 Bayesian network 的算法和学习法。  

顺带一提,这个是 Peter Norvig,他和 Stewart Russell 合著的 "AIMA" 是现时最好的人工智能教科书。